Marketing and promotional flyers, press releases, and emails.
Summons, warrants, complaints without oath, witness and defendant statements, birth, marriage, and death certificates.
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Ms. Sherry Hodge is one young lady who knows that hard work has its benefits. She has taken every opportunity to educate herself and so position herself to where she is today. Ms. Hodge, who taught Spanish as a subject/language, became a translator working with the Royal Anguilla Police Force a couple years back when as an Inspector I on many occasions worked with Ms Hodge when she was called upon to assist, primarily with Spanish speaking nationals during interviews and the recording of statements. Ms Hodge was always punctual for her appointments and very professional and efficient in the recording, translating and the provision of all documents created. Ms Hodge is a professional and acts very professional at all times. I would commend her to anyone who is looking for a translator for any purpose whatsoever.